Modish ;

(Moh-dish) | Adjective

conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable.

Jewelry, Fall Trends Ohio Gem Lab Jewelry, Fall Trends Ohio Gem Lab

Halloween Gemstones

Halloween is a season associated with several spooky colors, but how do you incorporate them into your favorite outfits? One of our favorite ways to add a pop of fall color is with jewelry. Having festively colored gemstones in your Halloween look is a timeless way to bring the spooky spirit with you.

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Jewelry, Birthstones Ohio Gem Lab Jewelry, Birthstones Ohio Gem Lab

Where Do Birthstones Come From?

Birthstones have become a normal part of most people’s lives-- it’s incredibly common to know what your birthstone is, and most people probably have some kind of jewelry that has their birthstone in it. But have you ever wondered how the birthstone trend started?

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Jewelry Trends, Jewelry Ohio Gem Lab Jewelry Trends, Jewelry Ohio Gem Lab

The Latest Jewelry Trends

IN our new era of working from home and back-to-back Zoom meetings, it is no surprise that people have been rethinking their wardrobes and styles.

And jewelry is no exception to this – the latest fashions and trends in must-have jewelry have reflected the new normal for many of us where we only see people on screens and online.

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